The Aftermath Of The Darfur Genocide

Is the genocide over?
Tensions in Darfur, Sudan have diminished, but are still looming around. Although things have calmed down the gencide is still going on, just not as severe as before. The tensions between the Muslims,  the majority of the north, and the black Africans, the majority of the south,  are still very high.

Did the government deny a genocide?
The government has not stated that they were ever involved in the genocide. But other facts point else where. The Janjaweed, a government sponsored militia, is responsible for the killings of the genocide. Bombings were a way of killing, but the Janjaweed do not have any bombs or any of those types of weapons. So that means the government has ties with the Janjaweed.

What impact did the genocide have on the country?
This genocide had a huge negative effect on the relationship with the Muslims of the north and the black Africans of the south. There are still disputes over land, power, and oil. This has caused the killings of many innocent of black Africans and has displaced 2 million people.

What issues are facing the new government?
* High tensions between the Muslims and black Africans
* Rebuilding the towns that were destroyed
* Power for land, oil, and other natural resources.

Was justice served?
* President Bashir has been accused by the ICC of war crimes and genocide
An arrest warrant will be issued for President Bashir in early 2009
* In early 2007 the ICC issued arrest warrants for the government minister and Janjaweed leader