Events leading up to genocide

The Africans and Arabs had a few problems leading up to the genocide. Some of the problems they had included:
  • Disputes over land
  • A lack of African representation in the government
These problems eventually lead to the 4th genocide to face this country.


The people responsible for all of the killings in Darfur are the Janjaweed. The Janjaweed were a group of Arab rebels who went around killing the Africans. There were many ways that the Janjaweed such as:
  • Bombings
  • Fires
  • Poisoned water supplies
  • Starvation
  • Violence
  • Disease


The Janjaweed aligned with the Sundanese government because they both wanted the Africans dead. The International Community has already charged the president with genocide because of his support and lack of action towards the Janjaweed. When confronted with the issue of the genocide, the Sudan president has denied any connections with the Arab Janjaweed.


We are not positive about how many people were killed exactly because of the circumstances in our country from before the genocide started. There are many factors that contribute to the confusion of these killings are people dying from natural causes and diseases. It is also hard to calculate how many people have been murdered because the Darfur Genocide is still going on today. It has been concluded that:
  • 300,000 people have been murdered
  • Over 2 million people have been displaced from their homes
  • There are 120,000 people living in refugee camps, mostly in Chad
  • 2.7 million people have already fled to the major cities in Darfur and live in camps